Anchovy Stock
Anchovy Stock
Anchovy stock is essential in Korean cooking. Making it takes very little work and time. The result is light in body, full of savory flavour and not all that fishy.
Ready in: 50 minutes
Complexity: very-easy

10-12 dried anchovies
2 dried dashima, 8 cm square
6-8 cups water
Soak anchovies and dashima in water for at least 20 minutes. Bring to a gentle boil, uncovered. Reduce the heat to medium high and boil for 10 minutes. Drain the liquid to remove anchovies and dashima from the stock.
Important Tips: Here are three important things you need to know when making any variation of anchovy stock:
1. Soak dried anchovies and dashima in water for at least 20 minutes. It is especially important for dashima to be pre-soaked in order to fully extract the flavor.
2. Always boil, uncovered, so any fishy aroma that develops can escape.
3. Do not boil anchovies and dashima too long. 10 minutes is all you need. Beyond that point, the stock will start losing the delicacy of the flavours or even develop an unpleasant taste. Also, dashima will develop a sticky substance when over boiled, making the stock cloudy.
Dried dashima comes in slightly thick flat sheets with white powder on the surface. Do not wash this white powder off, or you will lose some of the natural flavour enhancers dashima is known for. Gently wipe dashima with a lightly dampened cloth only to remove any sand or grit. Stored in a cool dry place, it will last for months.