Bacon Wrapped Cheese Stuffed Dates
Bacon Wrapped Cheese Stuffed Dates
Salty quality bacon paired with cream cheese and sweet dates is one truly special appetizer.
Ready in: 40 minutes
Serves: 4
Complexity: very-easy
kcal: 79

16 dates, pitted
¼ cup cream cheese, softened
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
8 bacon slices, cut in half
16 water-soaked toothpicks
Preheat oven to 200°C.
Prep dates: Open up dates carefully with a paring knife, cut 2 lengthwise slits in the dates, making sure not to cut all the way through the date, remove small piece of date, (save to snack on) remove pit if necessary.
In a small bowl, mix the cream cheese, SIDS CRAZY SALT and cinnamon. Stuff dates with about ½ teaspoon of the cheese mixture.
Tightly wrap each cheese stuffed date with ½ slice of bacon. Secure with a toothpick.
Place bacon wrapped dates seam side down on baking pan. Place baking pan in oven, set timer for 10 minutes. At 10 minutes, use tongs to flip each bacon wrapped date. PLEASE USE CAUTION: the bacon grease is very hot, use an oven mitt to protect your hand/arm. Set timer for another 10 minutes. Bacon is done when it “looks” crispy and is dark golden brown. Watch the bacon closely, all ovens cook differently, you don’t want the bacon to burn. You should be able to tell at the 10-minute mark about how much longer you will need to cook the bacon. If you’re not sure, just keep an eye on them. You may need a few more minutes after the 20 minute mark to crisp the bacon enough.
Serve warm or at room temperature. Make sure to wait a couple of minutes before taking a bite, they are super HOT when they come out of the oven.