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Baked Goats Cheese Rolls With Honey and Thyme

Baked Goats Cheese Rolls With Honey and Thyme

Goat’s cheese and honey is always a great combination and thyme adds the needed earthiness that completes the flavour profile, making it irresistible.

Ready in: 30 minutes

Serves: 4

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 676

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1 - 2 rectangular filo sheets
8 sprigs of fresh thyme leaves
60 g – 4 tbsp butter melted
125 g soft goat’s cheese
4 tsp raw bush honey or your favourite


Cut the filo sheet in half lengthways, then in half crossways to make 4 rectangles measuring about 15x20 cm.
Brush the rectangles generously with butter, ensuring that about 1 tbsp is saved to brush the tops.
Preheat oven to 180°C.
Sprinkle some thyme leaves along the long length of each pastry rectangle and fold it in to encase it. Crumble some goat’s cheese and a light sprinkle of SIDS CRAZY SALT in a line along the opposite short side of the pastry. Starting at the goats cheese end, roll the pastry once over the goats cheese and carry on rolling all way to the thyme, sealing the join.
Repeat the process to make 4 rolls.
Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and brush once more with the remaining butter. Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes until golden and crisp.
Serve immediately with a drizzle of honey on top.