Brisket Perfection by Myron Mixon
Brisket Perfection by Myron Mixon
This is the only way to make brisket, try it and enjoy the delicious results! Pay attention to these steps and you will have the one the way you want it.
Myron Mixon is World Champion Brisket Chef.
Ready in: 8 hours 10 minutes plus refrigeration time
Serves: 12
Complexity: Medium
kcal: 486

1 litre water
3 cubes beef OXO
425 g strong beef stock
½ cup salt
2 tbsp New York Cut pepper
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp Kashmir chilli powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp granulated dried onion
7-9 kg whole untrimmed brisket
BEEF INJECTION & MARINADE: In a large stockpot over high heat, bring the water to a boil. Add the beef base and the beef au jus to the water and stir until dissolved. Remove from the heat. If reserving for a later use, let the liquid cool then pour it into a jug or bottle. This can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
BEEF RUB: In a large bowl, combine SIDS CRAZY SALT and all the ingredients thoroughly. You can store this rub in an airtight container indefinitely.
MEAT: Trim the brisket then place, fat side up, in an aluminium baking pan. Inject it by eyeballing 2 cm squares all over the brisket and injecting half of the beef injection in those squares. Flip the brisket over, fat side down, and pour the remaining injection/marinade over the meat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours or overnight.
30 minutes before you are ready to cook the brisket, heat a smoker to 175°C, keeping it an average of 150°C. (You can also use a gas grill, but you’ll need to prepare it for smoking)
Remove the brisket from the marinade and discard the marinade. Using your hands, apply the beef rub all over the meat. Place the brisket in a clean aluminium baking pan, place the pan in the smoker and cook for 2½ hours. Remove the pan from the smoker and cover it with aluminium foil. Put it back into the smoker and cook for another 1½ hours until the temperature in the point end of the meat reaches 96°C. Remove the pan from the smoker and wrap the pan, still covered with aluminium foil, in a thick blanket. Rest at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Unwrap the pan, discard the foil, and remove the brisket, taking care to save the the accumulated juices. Set the brisket aside. Strain the juices of some grease, and pour the juices into a medium saucepan. Heat the juices over medium heat, and allow them to come to a simmer to thicken or add cornflour.
Meanwhile, slice the brisket against the grain - try to make the slices as consistently sized as possible. Place the slices on a warm platter and pour the juices over them. Serve immediately.