Buchujeon (Garlic Chive Pancakes)
Buchujeon (Garlic Chive Pancakes)
Korean savoury pancakes made with garlic chives.
Ready in: 30 minutes
Serves: 2
Complexity: very-easy
kcal: 224

¾ cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp fish sauce
1½ cups Asian chives (buchu in Korean), chopped
¼ cup onion, chopped
2-4 tbsp rice bran oil
Combine the flour, ¾ cup water, and fish sauce in a medium sized bowl and mix well. Stir in the chives and onion.
Heat a large nonstick frypan over medium-high heat. Add 1-2 tablespoons of oil to the hot frypan and swirl it around to coat.
Scrape all the chive batter into a mound in the centre of the pan and spread it evenly so that it forms a thin, round pancake, about 30 cm in diameter. Cook until lightly browned and crisp on the bottom, 3-5 minutes. If your pan is small, divide the batter in half and cook 2 pancakes one at a time.
Shake the pan to check its crispness. You should be able to hear the crispy pancake swish around in the non-stick pan.
Turn the pancake over with a spatula (or flip if you are good) and drizzle the remaining 1-2 tablespoons of oil around the edge of the pan so that it runs under the pancake.
Cook for 2-3 minutes, pressing the pancake down occasionally with the spatula until the other side is crisp. Flip the pancake again and cook for another 2-3 minutes, until it’s crisp on both sides.
Turn it over one more time and then slide it onto a plate. Serve right away. Or, to serve in a lunchbox, cool for 5 minutes and cut into bite-size pieces.