Carbonara with Pan Seared Scallops
Carbonara with Pan Seared Scallops
Perfectly seared scallops served with a quick and simple carbonara pasta.
Ready in: 30 minutes
Serves: 4
Complexity: very-easy
kcal: 878

16 large scallops
2 tbsp butter
8 slices thick cut bacon, diced
1 shallot, finely sliced
1 clove garlic, leave whole
4 spring onions
2 egg yolks
½ cup cream
1 cup parmigiano reggiano (or Parmesan), grated
New York Cut pepper
400 g pasta of your choice
Pasta Carbonara:
Start cooking pasta in large stainless steel pot.
In small bowl mix together cream, egg yolks and ¾ of cheese.
In large frypan cook bacon until crisp, add shallots and 2 chopped spring onions.
Smash down garlic clove a bit then add to bacon. (remove prior to adding pasta)
When pasta is finished cooking, drain well, then add to pan of bacon. Toss well, then transfer to large bowl.
Add cream mixture to pasta and combined well. Make sure pasta is still hot in order to cook the eggs and melt the cheese.
Arrange pasta on plate, top with seared scallops, add some New York Cut pepper, grated parmesan, and remaining chopped spring onions.
Pan Seared Scallops:
Blot scallops with paper towel to remove any water then sprinkle with SIDS SALT & PEPPER.
Heat large non-stick frying pan, add 2 tablespoons SIDS PEPPER & GARLIC OIL.
Make sure frying pan is hot, before adding scallops, but not smoking.
Add scallops leaving plenty of space between. Overcrowding the pan will drop the pan temperature and cause scallops to steam rather than sear. (may have to do in batches)
Sear for about 2-4 minutes or when bottom is a nice golden brown. Don't move them around in the pan or you will prevent them from forming that nice brown crust. After a couple of minutes have peek under to see if golden brown.
Turn to sear other side. (about 1-3 more minutes)
Add 2 tablespoons of butter to pan now. Spoon the melted butter over the scallops as the other side finishes cooking.
Transfer to paper towel covered plate.
Keep warm in oven, if making in batches.
This recipe tastes best served VERY fresh, so don't let it sit or Scallops and Pasta dry out quickly . Have ALL your ingredients and pots ready to go to make easy work of this.