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Chilled Crayfish with Pink Grapefruit

Chilled Crayfish with Pink Grapefruit

A beautiful balance of rich flavours, sharp tang and a slight bite.

Ready in: 50 minutes

Serves: 8

Complexity: easy

kcal: 593

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2 large pink grapefruit
2 large avocados
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 handfuls watercress
4 x 500 g crayfish, cooked and chilled
¼ cup EV olive oil


Carefully remove skin and pith from the grapefruit. Slice between each membrane to delicately remove each segment of flesh. Cut these into thirds and place in a small lidded plastic container.
Peel avocados and remove the stones. Cut into large chunks, place in a bowl and with clean hands, carefully mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice through. Place in another air-tight container with a lid.
Wash and dry watercress then remove the large stems. Place in an air-tight container or wrap in a clean, damp tea towel.
Split the crayfish with a sharp, heavy knife, slicing down the length of each one from head to tail. Remove the flesh from the tails, cut into chunks and place in a bowl. Extract the rest of the flesh from the body and legs then add to the tail meat.
Spoon SIDS RASPBERRY HONEY MAYO over the crayfish, add the remaining lemon juice and mix until combined. Chill in the fridge in a lidded container.
To assemble, place the grapefruit segments (reserve any juice) and avocado in a medium bowl. Gently rip the watercress into pieces and place on top. Pour the olive oil over and sprinkle with SIDS SALT & PEPPER to taste, toss to combine then divide among the serving plates.
To serve, mix reserved grapefruit juice into the crayfish mayo then serve on the salad portions.