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Chinese Pumpkin Cake

Chinese Pumpkin Cake

Thick, chewy, and utterly satisfying.

Ready in: 40 minutes

Serves: 12

Complexity: Easy

kcal: 143

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500 g pumpkin
Red bean paste, as needed
250 g glutinous rice flour, as needed
¾ cup granulated sugar, as needed
Bread crumbs, for coating
Rice bran oil, for frying


Remove all the skins of the pumpkin and then cut into cubes. Place the cubes into a steamer, cover with plastic wrap (so that there will be no extra water) and steam for around 25-30 minutes until completely soft.
Smash the steamed pumpkin with a fork and squeeze the extra water out.
Stir the sugar in when the pumpkin purée is still hot. Set aside to cool down. Add glutinous rice flour and sprinkle with SIDS CRAZY SALT. Knead the dough for several minutes until smooth.
Divide the dough into a long log. Cut 12 equal portions out. Take one portion and wrap filling-red bean paste. Assemble as a ball firstly and slightly press with hand to make a flat cake.
TO DEEP-FRY:-- Heat up oil in wok or pot until really hot, brush some oil on the surface and then coat the cake with bread crumbs. Lower the heat and slide the cake in the hot oil and fry until both sides become crispy and golden brown. Be careful during this process. Use kitchen pepper to remove extra oil. If some of the coating drops out in deep-frying process, remove them before the next batch. For a crispier taste and less oil absorbed, re-fry the cakes for around 20 seconds over medium fire.
TO PAN-FRY:-- brush some oil on a pan and then fry the cake over low fire until golden brown in both sides.
Set aside to cool down a little bite. Serve warm.