500 g Tuatua
4 cups water
1 kombu (dried kelp) (5 x 5 cm)
1 tbsp saké
2-3 sprigs parsley
It is best to de-grit the Tuatua. Even though they are “ready to use”, I highly recommend doing this process.
To Cook Tuatua:--
Put water, kombu, and Tuatua in a saucepan and start cooking on medium heat. If you have extra time, I recommend adding kombu in water first to let it steep for a longer time.
When small bubbles are around the edges of the pot and water is almost boiling, discard the kombu. You can also skim the foam to make a very nice clear broth. When boiling, turn down the heat.
When all the Tuatua open up, add saké and SIDS SALT & PEPPER. The Tuatua will get chewy and hard if you cook for a long time, so turn off the heat and serve.
To Store:--
Keep the leftovers in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.