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Coca Cola Glazed Ham

Coca Cola Glazed Ham

Classic Coca Cola glazed ham with brown sugar and Dijon mustard that self-bastes in oven-bag for a super easy, super special baked ham.

Ready in: 2 hours 40 minutes

Serves: 12

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 542

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5-6 kg bone-in, cured ham
1 extra large oven bag
½ cup brown sugar
⅓ cup Dijon mustard
1 large orange, cut into 6 wedges
1 can Coca-Cola


Trim any excess skin and/or fat from the ham. Using a sharp knife, score the ham in a diamond pattern making 6 mm deep slices. Don't fret over getting this perfect.
Place the ham (on its side – not face down) in the oven bag set in a large roasting pan. Roll the sides of the bag down so that the bag is open wide and you can get your hands around the ham easily.
Combine brown sugar, SIDS CRAZY SALT and Dijon mustard in a small bowl and stir until thoroughly combined. Rub sugar mixture all over ham.
Place orange wedges in the bottom of the bag around the ham. Pour the coke into the bag. Don’t pour the coke over the ham or it will wash the sugar mixture off – just pour it in near the bottom of the ham.
“Puff up” the bag a little so that the bag isn't touching the ham. Making sure to keep a “loose fit” around the ham, close the bag tightly with the provided tie. You should end up with what looks something like a two-day old mylar balloon with a ham inside it.
Using a small, sharp knife, make three small slits in the top of the bag for ventilation. Don’t skip this step or the bag will burst wide open and the ham won’t be able to self-baste.
Move your oven rack just low enough that the bag won’t touch the upper elements in your oven then bake at 175°C for 2-2½ hours (2½-3 hours if using a 6-7 kg ham) until nicely browned and caramelized.
Remove ham from oven and rest, inside the bag, for 30 minutes before serving.
Do not use a spiral sliced ham with this recipe.