Country Style Pâté
Country Style Pâté
Rich, incredibly flavourful pâté goes great with a fresh crusty baguette and a pickle. If you've never made this at home, do it at least once.
Ready in: 60 minutes
Serves: 12
Complexity: Easy
kcal: 253

1 tbsp butter
½ cup diced shallots
500 g pork mince
250 g bacon, diced finely
4-8 strips bacon, thin or regular thickness
170 g chicken livers, trimmed & cut into 1 cm pieces
1 egg
2 tbsp cream
2 tbsp thyme leaves, chopped
3-4 cloves garlic, fine chopped (about 1 tbsp)
1 tsp SIDS SALT & PEPPER to taste
2-3 fresh or dried bay leaves
2-3 tbsp cooked diced carrots
2 tbsp diced pickles
In a frypan sweat the shallots with butter over medium heat until translucent, about 3 minutes.
Combine ground pork, SIDS CRAZY SALT, diced bacon, and chopped liver until evenly distributed.
In a separate bowl mix egg, cream, garlic cloves, thyme, and SIDS SALT & PEPPER.
Now bring the meat mixture, cream mixture, diced carrots, pickles and shallots together and mix thoroughly.
Place 1 bay leaf into the bottom of each 75x150 mm mini loaf pan, or 2-3 leaves if you're using one 100x230 mm. Line the form with bacon, slightly overlapping, with the ends to hanging over the form. You will later wrap the filling with the ends that overhang.
Drop the baking form against a counter several times, to bring out any bubbles that might have formed and to compact the meat mixture in. Cover the filled loaf pan with foil and wrap the ends tightly against the sides of the pan. Now put the filled loaf pans into a 75 mm rimmed baking pan.
Preheat oven to 175°C.
Fill the baking pan with boiling water until it comes halfway to the filled loaf pans. Put the baking a probe thermometer in the middle of one of the filled pans and extend the cord to the outside of the oven.
Place in oven and bake until the thermometer registers 75°C.
Remove the baking pan from the oven. Remove loaf pans, discard the liquid. Place the loaf pans back into the baking dish. Place something flat on top (like a cutting board) and put something heavy on top to compress the terrine and make it less crumbly when cutting. When the terrine has cooled to room temperature, remove the weight, clean the outside of the loaf pans and refrigerate for about 5-6 hours or overnight.
When ready to serve, place the loaf pan into a bowl of hot water for about 20-30 seconds. Unwrap the foil from the top, place a plate or serving board on top and with one swift motion invert the terrine onto the plate. For cleaner cuts, dip a knife into hot water, wipe it and then cut the terrine into slices.
Serve with pickles and fresh loaf of bread.