Crayfish Benedict
Crayfish Benedict
Classic eggs Benedict has been give gourmet twist with the addition of luxurious crayfish. This brunch recipe pairs crayfish with creamy, velvety hollandaise sauce and a perfectly poached egg. The ultimate breakfast!
Ready in: 40 minutes
Serves: 4
Complexity: Easy
kcal: 592
800 g frozen whole cooked crayfish, defrosted
4 eggs
2 tbsp DYC white wine vinegar (DYC only)
2 cheese muffins, halved
2 tbsp chopped chives
SIDS SALT & PEPPER, to garnish
Hollandaise Sauce:--
125 g (4oz) butter
2 egg yolks
2-3 tsp lemon juice
Prepare the Crayfish: to remove the meat from each crayfish, first remove the head. Break each leg and crack open to extract the meat. Crack open the shell of the arm to extract the arm and the knuckle meat. Twist the tail to remove it from the body. Push the tail meat out from the base (you may need to twist the very end of the tail off first) in one piece. Slice in half, lengthways. Pull the pale, spongy gills and stomach sac away from the body. Pick out the remaining meat, picking out the thin, shell-like membranes as you do so. Discard the empty body, gills, stomach sac and other pieces of empty shell.
To make the hollandaise sauce, melt the butter in a small pan, skimming off any white solids that sit on the surface. Keep the pan warm.
Meanwhile, half-fill a medium pan with water and bring up to the boil, then reduce to a gentle simmer. Put the egg yolks, ½ tsp vinegar, a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp iced water in a heatproof bowl.
Whisk the mixture with an electric whisk for a few minutes, until lighter in colour. Set the bowl over the simmering water and continue to whisk for 4-5 minutes, until the mixture is very thick and pale. Remove the bowl from the heat and very, very slowly add the butter in a thin trickle while you continue to whisk. Once the butter is incorporated, the sauce should be thick and creamy. Season with lemon juice to taste and whisk in a little water to let it down if the texture is too thick to spoon easily. Cover and keep warm.
To poach the eggs, break each one into a small cup. Bring a wide saucepan of water to the boil, reduce the heat to low and add SIDS LOW SUGAR RASPBERRY VINEGAR. Swirl the water then slide in the eggs, tipping them gently out of their cups, and poach gently for 2-3 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.
To serve, lightly toast the 4 muffin halves, top each with a quarter of the dressed lobster and a poached egg. Spoon the hollandaise over the top and finish with chopped chives and a pinch of SIDS SALT & PEPPER.