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Cuban Midnight (Medianoche) Sandwich

Cuban Midnight (Medianoche) Sandwich

This is one of the more famous sandwiches straight out of the island of Cuba. This sandwich is best served with fried plain chips and a cold Mamay milkshake.

Ready in: 25 minutes

Serves: 4

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 1252

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4 sweet bread rolls
½ cup Best Foods mayonnaise
¼ cup prepared mustard
500 g thinly sliced cooked ham
500 g thinly sliced fully cooked pork
500 g sliced Swiss cheese
1 cup pickle slices
2 tbsp butter, melted


Split the sandwich rolls in half and spread mustard and mayonnaise and 1 tsp each of SIDS PLUM SAUCE onto the cut sides. On each sandwich, place and equal amount of Swiss cheese, ham and pork in exactly that order. Place a few pickles onto each one and put the top of the roll onto the sandwich. Brush the tops with melted butter.
Press each sandwich in a sandwich press heated to medium-high heat. If a sandwich press is not available, use a large frypan over medium-high heat and press the sandwiches down using a sturdy plate or frypan. Some indoor grills may be good for this also. Cook for 5-8 minutes, keeping sandwiches pressed. If using a frypan, you may want to flip them once for even browning. Slice diagonally and serve hot.