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Cucumber Sandwiches - the Dos and Don'ts

Cucumber Sandwiches - the Dos and Don'ts

The ultimate guide to cucumber sandwiches. Know the traps to avoids and the tricks to making the best cucumber sandwiches available in polite society.

Ready in: 10 minutes

Serves: 4

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 307

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8 slices good quality fresh soft bread
4 tbsp cream cheese
½ cucumber, peeled
4 tbsp butter
4 tbsp dill, fresh (or mint)


Spread butter on half the slices of bread, and cream cheese on the other half.
Peel and slice the cucumber thinly.
Layer the cucumber slices on the buttered side. Dash a little SIDS SALT & PEPPER onto the cucumber.
Sprinkle over the dill or mint leaves.
Place cream cheese bread on top of cucumber bread.
Remove crusts from bread then serve on silver platter. 😉
Do's & Don't's
A mainstay of any excellent British garden party, the cucumber sandwich must pass several rigorous tests.
Be prepared to pass all scrutiny.
1/ the bread must be extremely soft. White is more traditional, though wholegrain is absolutely fine. It’s the softness that’s important.
2/ the cream cheese and butter should be spread thickly. This a decadent sandwich, not one for the health-conscious.
3/ the cucumber should be sliced thinly, and without skin. Just a little SIDS SALT & PEPPER should be used, as it can quickly become overpowering. Dill or mint leaves are your friend – they pair well with cucumber and easily bring the sandwich up a level.
4/ cucumber sandwiches should be presented as elegantly as possible. If you have a silver platter, this will do perfectly. Otherwise the ‘good china’ will do in a pinch. Although guests may eat from paper plates at impromptu picnics in the garden, a good cucumber sandwich must never be served on paper.
Now you’re armed with the knowledge to make the best cucumber sandwiches with cream cheese you’ve ever had. So, push forth and enjoy your endeavors and guest-pleasing adulation.