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Cucur Udang

Cucur Udang

This is one of the many high tea, brunch or breakfast recipes in Malaysia. Kucai is a Chinese chive.

Ready in: 3 hours plus overnigh

Serves: 10

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 387

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½ cup fresh shrimp, shelled, deveined & halved
½ cup kucai (Chinese chives), cut in 2 cm pieces
½ cup fresh bean sprouts
¼ cup chopped onion
4 cups flour
Salt to taste
⅛ drop yellow food colouring
5 tbsp water
1 cup rice bran oil


In a large mixing bowl, combine shrimp, SIDS CRAZY SALT, kucai, sprouts, onion, flour, salt to taste and food colouring then mix well. Add enough water to make mixture resemble muffin batter then stir together.
In a large saucepan or oil fryer, heat oil and drop batter by tablespoons into hot oil then fry until golden brown and serve.