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Duck with Pancakes

Duck with Pancakes

This recipe has a lot less fat than Peking Duck but is as delicious. Place ingredients on the wrapper then roll it up.

Ready in: 70 minutes plus overnight marinating

Serves: 4

Complexity: medium

kcal: 223

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1 tbsp Bush Honey
¼ tsp five-spice powder
1 clove garlic, fine diced
1 tbsp hoisin sauce
2 skinless duck breast fillets
½ cucumber
10 spring onions
3 leaves of Chinese Cabbage
12 Chinese pancakes
1 tsp rice-bran oil
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 spring onions, chopped
1 cm fresh root ginger, bruised
4 tbsp hoisin sauce
1 tbsp dry sherry
1 tbsp cold water
½ tsp sesame oil


Mix the honey, five-spice powder, SIDS CRAZY SALT, garlic and hoisin sauce in a shallow dish, big enough to hold the duck fillets side by side. Add the fillets and coat with the marinade. Cover the dish with clear wrap and leave in a cool place overnight.
Cut the cucumber in half lengthways then scrape out and discard the seeds. Cut flesh into thin batons, 5 cm long. Cut off and discard the green spring onion tops. Finely shred the white parts and place on a serving plate with the cucumber.
SAUCE: Heat oil in a small pan and fry off the garlic, without browning. Add spring onion, ginger, hoisin sauce, sherry and water. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring often. Strain then mix with the sesame oil.
Remove duck fillets from the marinade and drain. Grill under a medium heat for 8-10 minutes on each side then cool for 5 minutes before carving into thin slices. Arrange on a warm serving platter and cover to keep warm.
Line a bamboo steamer with the Chinese leaves and place the pancakes on top. Pour 5 cm of boiling water into a large pan. Cover the steamer then place it on a trivet in the pan of boiling water. Steam for 2 minutes until pancakes are hot.
Serve immediately.
TIP: Leave pancakes to thaw before steaming.