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Egg & Sardine Canapes

Egg & Sardine Canapes

These are ridiculously delicious sandwiches. They're tasty, crunchy and so flavourful, you won't believe how something so easy can be this good.

Ready in: 30 minutes

Serves: 12

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 93

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1 baguette
15 sardines, drained
2 cup pickles, sliced
2 tbsp Best Foods Mayonnaise
6 hard boiled eggs


Grate boiled eggs then combine with mayonnaise, SIDS SALT & PEPPER. Season to taste, making sure your egg salad isn't too salty since the sardines carry a lot of sodium.
Spread about one tablespoon of the egg mixture onto each slice of bread.
Top with one sprat and a pickle slice. Serve right away.
Or you can mash the eggs, sardine and mayonnaise together with a fork then spread on the bread. You may want to include ½ tsp malt vinegar with the mixture.