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Fathead Pigs in a Blanket

Fathead Pigs in a Blanket

I like to make a batch of these and let them cool to pop in the freezer to reheat at a later time. When you're in a pinch, it's nice to have a ready made meal on hand.

Ready in: 55 minutes

Serves: 10

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 122

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1½ cups mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp cream cheese
¾ cup flour
1 egg, room temperature
Rice bran oil for frying
10 hotdogs


Basic Fathead Dough
In microwave safe bowl place mozzarella cheese and cream cheese. Microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute on HIGH. Take out and stir. Put back in microwave for 30 seconds, then stir again. Depending on your microwave you will may need an additional 30-60 seconds until all melted and combined.
Take cheese out of microwave and stir in the flour and egg until it forms into a sticky ball of dough. You may want to use your hands or a sturdy wooden spoon.
Place a sheet of baking paper on counter and drizzle with a tiny bit of oil. Place ball or log of dough in middle of bottom baking paper. Oil a second sheet of baking paper and place face down on top. Flatten down with your palm.
With a rolling pin, (or something heavy and round) roll out dough into a 6-12 mm thickness in between the two sheets of baking paper. When you have your desired thickness and shape, peel off the top sheet of baking paper.
This is Fathead Dough.
Rolling Pigs in Fathead Dough:
Place a log of fathead dough on oiled baking paper. Cover with second piece of oiled baking paper and roll to desired thickness. (about 6 mm thick)
Measure hot dog on sheet of dough. Trim dough to desired length to cover hotdog or sausage.
Roll a single hotdog in the dough to cover hotdog circumference.
Repeat until all hotdogs are rolled in dough.
This dough recipe should cover 8-10 hotdogs, but there a few factors. The quantity of finished product will depend on the length and circumference of your hotdogs, as well as the thickness you roll your dough.
Because there are many steps in making this recipe I always like to double the dough recipe and make as many of the Pigs in a Blanket as possible. A double recipe of dough usually works with 3 packages of 6 hotdogs (18 total dogs)
Cooking Fathead Pigs in a Blanket: (NOT FROZEN)
Preheat oven to 175°C and line a baking tray with baking paper. Place as many dogs on the sheet as you would like to cook. Space the dogs 20-40 mm apart to allow for spreading.
Bake for 15-20 minutes. Check doneness at 15 minutes. Turn oven to GRILL for 1-2 minutes to fully brown the top of the Pigs in a Blanket dough.
Storing RAW Pigs in a Blanket:
Line your rolled Pigs in a Blanket on a baking paper lined baking tray. Place in freezer for several hours until fully frozen. Once frozen you can transfer the dogs to a large Ziploc and store in the freezer.
Cooking Fathead Pigs in a Blanket: (FROZEN)
Preheat oven to 200°C. Place frozen dogs on a baking paper lined baking tray with spacing for room in case they spread.
Bake from frozen in oven for 20-30 minutes. Check doneness at 20 minutes.
Turn oven to Grill at the end of cook time for 1-2 minutes to brown the dogs to your desire.