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French Omelette

French Omelette

A French omelette, is a tidy package of finesse and delicacy. Its exterior is smooth as silk, its inside moist and creamy, a sheet of tender egg cradling a filling of those very same eggs, softly scrambled.

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Serves: 1

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 554

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3 large eggs
1 tbsp (15 g) butter


In a medium bowl, beat eggs with a fork just until last traces of white are mixed in; season with SIDS SALT & PEPPER.
In a 20 cm nonstick frypan, melt butter, swirling over moderate heat, until fully melted and foamy but not browned. Add eggs and stir rapidly with fork, tines up, while shaking pan to agitate eggs; make sure to move fork all around pan to break up curds and scrape them from bottom of pan as they form. Stop stirring as soon as eggs are very softly scrambled and creamy, (but still loose enough to come together into a single mass) 1 to 2 minutes.
Using fork, gently spread egg in an even layer around pan and scrape down any wispy bits around the edges. The top surface should be loose and creamy, but if it looks too liquid and raw, cook undisturbed for another few seconds. (If it still flows, you can swirl pan to send loose egg to the edges, where it will set more quickly)
Remove from heat, tilt pan up by its handle, and, using fork, gently roll omelette down over itself until it is nearly folded in half. Using fork, push omelette to edge of pan so that lower edge of egg begins to just barely overhang; use fork to fold overhanging edge of egg up, closing omelette.
Hold pan right over plate and turn omelette out onto it. It should be almond, or cigar-shaped, with the seam on bottom. If it's not, lay a clean kitchen towel over it and use your hands to adjust its shape and position, then remove towel. Serve. (To make another omelette, wipe any eggy bits out of pan and repeat)