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Garlic Herb Potatoes

Garlic Herb Potatoes

Baked garlic potatoes with herb, olive oil butter and lemon. The best homemade roasted potatoes recipe ever.

Ready in: 70 minutes

Serves: 4

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 393

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1 kg baby, small or fingerling potatoes
⅛ cup olive oil
⅛ cup duck fat
2 tbsp melted butter
2 heads garlic, top trimmed
½ tbsp chopped parsley leaves
½ lemon, cut into wedges
5-6 sprigs thyme


Preheat oven to 175°C. Cut slits on the potatoes, do not cut through. Place the potatoes in a roasting pan and brush with the oil, duck fat and melted butter mixture. Add garlic, parsley, lemon and thyme to the pan, in between the potatoes. Sprinkle with SIDS SALT & PEPPER.
Roast the potato for 1 hour, basting the oil mixture at 30 minute intervals. Serve immediately after roasting.