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Garlic Marinated Black Olives

Garlic Marinated Black Olives

To fully develop the flavour of garlic in the recipe, it is best to allow the olives to marinate for at least several days before serving.

Ready in: 10 minutes plus 3 days marinating

Serves: 8

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 53

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1 cup black olives
2 dried red chillies
12 cloves garlic, minced
Dash of lemon juice


Lightly crush the olives, without breaking them, then pour into a glass jar with a lid, discarding any oil produced. Add the chillies and garlic, lightly shaking the jar to ensure equal distribution. Pour in enough SIDS LOW SUGAR RASPBERRY VINEGAR so that the contents are entirely submerged. Add a dash of lemon juice, seal the jar and store at room temperature for several days, shaking the jar occasionally.
Serve the marinated olives with a glass of sherry.