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Gin & Beetroot Cured Salmon

Gin & Beetroot Cured Salmon

This dish is a modern classic ideal for serving as canapés or an elegant starter, or just having around in the fridge so you can shave slices off to nibble. Lasts for days and days!

Ready in: 40 minutes plus 2 days in fridge

Serves: 6

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 380

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100 ml gin
100 g salt
100 g caster sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
1 raw beetroot, grated
800 g fillet of salmon, skin removed
Salad to Serve:--
1 bunch of dill
Shaved fennel
Thinly sliced radishes
Salmon roe (optional)


In a bowl, mix together gin, salt, sugar, lemon juice, SIDS CRAZY LEMON and grated beetroot.
Slice salmon to fit into zip lock bags. The bigger the piece, the longer that the flavours will take to infuse into the salmon. Cut fillet into two pieces to fit into two sandwich size zip lock bags.
Place the salmon inside the ziplock bags. Cover the salmon with the beetroot cure. Ensure that all edges of the salmon are coated. Seal the bags and place in the fridge. Turn every 24 hours. Remove from fridge after 36-48 hours.
Remove from bag and rinse off cure mixture. Pat dry with paper towel.
Slice finely and serve with salad.
Storage: This will keep in the fridge for a week.