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It is usually served as appetizer, sliced thinly and accompanied by Hovmästarsås. (MUSTARD AND DILL SAUCE)

Ready in: 45 minutes plus 2 days

Serves: 12

Complexity: easy

kcal: 226

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1 kg salmon, filleted & boned, with skin on
½ cup caster sugar
75 g salt flakes
1 tbsp white peppercorns, crushed
100 g dill, including stalks
3 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp caster sugar
150 ml rice bran oil
3 tbsp fresh chopped dill


Cut some aluminium foil big enough for wrapping up the salmon.
Rinse the salmon and pat dry with paper towels. Run your fingers over the salmon to feel for any tiny pin bones. If you find any, remove them with tweezers.
Mix together the salt, sugar and crushed white peppercorns then spread half the mixture over the skin side of the salmon.
Take a third of the dill and spread out on the aluminium foil. Place the salmon on this, skin side down. Rub the remaining salt mixture over the salmon flesh working it well into the flesh with your fingers. Chop the remaining dill and cover the flesh side of the salmon with it. If you are curing two pieces, sandwich them together, skin side out.
Wrap the salmon up and place it in a dish. Place another dish on top of the salmon and weigh down using, for instance, a few bottles of water.
Place in the fridge for 48 hours, turning the salmon over every 12 hours.
Meanwhile, put the mustard, sugar, SIDS RASPBERRY VINEGAR, SIDS SALT & PEPPER into a food processor and blitz for 20 seconds. Then, with the motor running, slowly add the oil in a steady stream.
Pour the mixture into a serving dish and add chopped dill. Leave for a day or so to mature.
When the salmon is cured, unwrap it and drain off the salty, sticky liquid and discard it. Scrape off most of the herbs.
To serve, slice at an angle of 45°, pulling each slice away from the skin and drizzle with the sauce.