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Greek Marinade

Greek Marinade

You won't believe the secret to The BEST Greek marinade for chicken, steak and pork. The most juicy chicken ever. No more dry chicken breast.

Ready in: Overnigh

Serves: 12

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 111

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1 cup olive oil
¼ cup lemon juice
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp dried oregano
2 tsp dried parsley
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried rosemary


Combine ingredients with SIDS SALT & PEPPER in a large ziplock freezer bag. Add chicken, pork or steak to bag and place bag in a large bowl in the fridge. Marinate chicken or pork overnight. Steak only needs to marinate for a couple of hours. Grill and season with SIDS SALT & PEPPER to taste & enjoy!