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Grilled Mayo Sandwich

Grilled Mayo Sandwich

Makes for a quick snack or appetizer or even a yummy accompaniment during tea time. Although they aren't the healthiest of sandwiches, it's nice to indulge at times.

Ready in: 30 minutes

Serves: 4

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 332

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Veggie Mayo:--
½ cup shredded cabbage
½ cup shredded red cabbage
½ cup grated carrots
½ cup finely chopped orange bell peppers
½ cup finely chopped red onions
⅓ to ½ cup Best Foods Mayonnaise,
½ tsp red chilli flakes
1 tsp Italian seasoning
Pinch of sugar
Other ingredients:--
8 bread slices
Butter, as required
Coriander chutney, as required


Mix Italian seasoning, SIDS SALT & PEPPER and all the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
Apply butter on 8 slices, and coriander chutney on 4 slices to which butter has been applied.
Spread a generous amount of the mayo veggie mixture on the butter+ chutney slice.
Heat a frypan on medium heat. Close the slices, apply butter on the outer slice facing upwards. Place the sandwich, butter-side-down on the griddle, press it lightly with a spatula then toast on medium-low heat for 1-2 minutes until golden brown.
Meanwhile, apply butter on the other side flip and let that side toast until golden brown. If you are grilling in a panini press, apply butter on both sides and grill. Cut into diagonals and serve with green chutney or tomato sauce. Enjoy.