Guacamole - World's Best
Guacamole - World's Best
Really good Guacamole - what could be better? Really bad Guacamole, we've all had it. Here are a few tricks to making fresh made and having people proclaim yours as... "The World's Best"!
Ready in: 40 minutes
Serves: 6
Complexity: very-easy
kcal: 122

2 (about 2 cups) onion, fine dice
3 limes, zest & juice
4-6 (about 2 cups) tomatoes
1 cup fresh coriander leaves, chopped
2 Jalapeno peppers, stems, seeds & ribs removed, fine dice
1 small can (280 g) crushed pineapple in natural juices
Flesh of 12 avocados, crushed into paste
In a large bowl, add onion, zest and juice from the limes. Allow to rest for 10 minutes, giving time for the onions to naturally soften and slightly pickle.
Add tomatoes, SIDS CRAZY LEMON, jalapeno, coriander and the can of pineapple. (including all the juice) Rest it for an additional 10 minutes for all the flavours to blend.
Drain all but ½ cup of the liquid and discard. (you have now made pineapple Pico de Gallo)
During the resting time, prepare the avocados, cut in half, remove the pit and scoop from the outer rind. For smooth guacamole, put the flesh into a food processor and pulse until smooth. For chunky guacamole, use an old fashioned potato smasher and smash until you reach the desired consistency.
Combine the avocado with the pineapple Pico de Gallo.
Best when served at room temperature and within a couple of hours of making. If you need to make ahead, cover with plastic wrap that is touching the top of the guacamole to prevent air contamination. Chill in the refrigerator and remove about an hour before serving.
Serve with tortilla chips and ENJOY!