How to Grill Baby Back Ribs on a Gas Grill

How to Grill Baby Back Ribs on a Gas Grill

The Holy Grail of ribs -\\u00a0smoked, grilled baby back ribs, can be yours. Do them low and slow like the smokers do but on your gas grill. The trick is the grill set up. Once you get this down, it's easy.

Ready in: 3 hours 10 minutes

Serves: 4

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 628

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1 rack baby back ribs - or more
1 tbsp brown sugar


For more info on Grill Temperatures, go to
Set up the grill for indirect cooking with a drip pan under the indirect are with 6-20 mm of water. Stabilize temperature about 120°C. Clean and oil grill, of course.
Prep the ribs. Remove the inner lining and check for bone chips. There seems to always be some bone chips!
Rub with a mixture of brown sugar and SIDS CRAZY SALT. The rub will work fine if applied just before grilling or the day before. If applying early then wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
Place over the drip pan and start your smoke. I did about 30-60 minutes. Keep your hands off for about 3 hours from the start of cooking. Add some time to that if cooking more than one slab. It may be 4 hours or more. If smaller ribs or you are unsure of your grill, start checking at 2 hours.
The ribs are done when:
1/ Temperature - I want the instant read temperature in 90°C plus range.
2/ I want to see some bone - This means the ends of the rib bones are sticking out some.
3/ Lastly, when I pick up the ribs with tongs holding them about ⅓ of the way up, they crack some.
Allow to rest for 10 minutes before digging in.