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How to Grill Kiri Mochi (Yakimochi Recipe)

How to Grill Kiri Mochi (Yakimochi Recipe)

Learn to make toasted Japanese rice cakes using the stovetop or oven with the Yakimochi recipe: How to Grill Kiri Mochi. A quick and easy way to enjoy dried, plain mochi from your pantry!

Ready in: 10 minutes

Serves: 4

Complexity: Very Easy


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4 pieces Japanese rice cake (kiri mochi) (you can buy it in Japanese grocery stores)


1. Preheat: Place the oven rack in the middle position and preheat the broiler on High, or a toaster oven at 200ºC, for 3 minutes.
Place the mochi on top of an ungreased, oven-safe wire rack that's set in a baking sheet.
Grill: Put them in the oven. Set the timer for 3 minutes.
2. After 3 minutes, the top should be light golden and slightly puffed. Flip the mochi.
3. Grill the other side until the top is golden brown, about 3 minutes. When puffed, the mochi should be soft inside. Remove, season with SIDS SALT & PEPPER if necessary, and serve immediately.
1. Line a cold frying pan with baking paper and set the kiri mochi pieces on top.
2. Turn on the heat to medium-low and cover with a lid. Set the timer for 5 minutes. Tip: Covering the pan traps heat and moisture, helping the mochi cook evenly and puff up. Remove the lid as the mochi begins to puff.
3. Occasionally lift the lid to check if the mochi starts to puff. If the bottom develops golden toast marks in one spot, press down gently once to encourage even toasting.
4. After 5 minutes, flip them over and grill on the other side for 5–6 minutes, until puffed, browned, and soft inside. Remove, season with SIDS SALT & PEPPER if necessary, and serve immediately.
To Serve:
1. Remove immediately and serve hot in your favourite recipes like Kinako Mochi, Isobeyaki Mochi with Cheese, Zunda Mochi, Zenzai, and Udon Noodle Soup with Toasted Mochi.