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How To Make Perfect Crêpes

How To Make Perfect Crêpes

Basic crêpes are anything but boring. Delicate and buttery, they're perfect for brunch, lunch, a light dinner and definitely dessert!

Ready in: 60 minutes

Serves: 5

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 111

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4 large eggs
1 cup whole milk
¼ tsp salt
2 tsp granulated sugar
1 cup all-purpose flour
4 tbsp butter
¼ cup of your favourite jam


Crêpes are essentially very thin pancakes and yet they feel and taste so special. I’m sure it’s because of their delicate nature and the fact that they’re not as commonly made as regular pancakes or waffles. They’re incredibly versatile too, where the sweet and savoury options are practically endless. My favourite way to eat them is sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, or coated with some lemon curd. Try swapping the lemon curd for your favourite jam, melted chocolate, or whipped cream!
Here are some tips for optimal crêpe making -
1. Since crêpe batter is thinner than pancake batter, you want to eliminate any lumps. Pulse a few times in a blender or whisk vigorously in a large bowl.
2. Let the batter rest on the countertop for 30 minutes, or ideally overnight in the refrigerator. While resting overnight isn’t essential, it does allow the gluten to develop, which will produce the most light and tender crêpes. (When you’re ready to make crêpes, give the batter a good stir as the flour will have settled to the bottom of the bowl.)
3. Your pan needs to heat evenly, so it’s important to use a small nonstick heavy bottomed one.
4. Make sure you have enough butter in your pan to thinly cover the bottom and sides. You can usually make three or four crêpes before needing to re-butter.
5. Don’t use too much batter! Crêpes are meant to be thin and only a small amount of batter is needed; about a 3-4 tablespoons. The batter should be placed in the centre of the pan, held at an angle above the burner, and then quickly swirled to coat the entire surface.
6. An evenly heated pan is key! Heat the pan up slowly for five or so minutes. Most crêpes cook best on medium-low to medium heat. If the heat is too high to begin with, the batter will end up cooking before you’ve finished swirling the batter to cover the surface of the pan. The first one or two might need to be discarded until you find that perfect temperature.
7. Be patient grasshopper, and don’t flip the crêpe too soon! Because the batter is so thin, crêpes cook fast; about 45-60 seconds on the first side and only 30 seconds after flipping. Once the edges of the crêpe start to curl and lift from the pan and the underside starts to turn golden, it’s time to flip.
8. Whether you use your fingers or a spatula, handle with care when you flip or it could tear. Gently pick up the curled edges of the crêpe and flip over. Remove the finished crepe from the pan and onto a waiting plate, cutting board, or wire rack. Repeat until all batter is gone.