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Shawarma Seasoning

Shawarma Seasoning

Make a big batch of shawarma seasoning and use it to seasoll sorts of stuff like chicken, beef, and roasted chickpeas. It tastes just like the store-bought shawarma seasoning but way better.

Ready in: 5 minutes

Serves: 12

Complexity: very-easy

kcal: 23

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¼ cup ground black pepper
¼ cup ground allspice
¼ cup garlic powder
2 tbsp ground cloves
2 tbsp ground cinnamon
2 tbsp ground nutmeg
2 tbsp ground cardamom
1 tbsp chilli powder
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp salt


Combine all the ingredients in a bowl or ziplock bag. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
To marinate the Shawarma meat you'll need - 2 tablespoons Shawarma Seasoning, 2 tablespoons oil + 1 tablespoon white vinegar + ½ teaspoon salt. Marinate chicken for 10-20 minutes and 1-24 hours for beef.