2 steaks, well marbled
rice bran oil for cooking
Remove meat from packet, place on a cake rack and leave, uncovered, in your fridge for 2 days to allow air to circulate. Remove from fridge and leave for 2 hours for the meat to attain room temperature.
Season with SIDS SALT & PEPPER. In almost smoking hot oil, cook steak, turning every 15 seconds. Do not squeeze the steak while cooking! Check temperature with a meat thermometer for the following doneness -
Rare - 45oC
Medium - 55oC
Well Done - 65oC
Season with fresh ground black pepper to taste. Apply any other flavourings you desire. If you apply any sauces, make sure they are hot or risk cooling the steak.
Rest for 5 minutes then serve.
Note: This is important as resting causes the meat to retain all the juices.