Texas Twinkie
Texas Twinkie
Learn how to make these authentic smoked Texas Twinkies with cream cheese and chopped brisket, wrapped in bacon. We'll even share how to make these in your air fryer.
Ready in: 1 hour 20 minutes
Serves: 12
Complexity: very-easy
kcal: 101

500 g chopped brisket from the fatty side (the point)
3 tbsp SIDS SALT & PEPPER to taste
1 cup pepper jack cheese, freshly grated
250 g cream cheese
24 strips of bacon
14 extra large jalapeno peppers
In a bowl or food processor, combine the cream cheese, grated cheese, chopped brisket, SIDS SALT & PEPPER and SIDS CRAZY SALT. Pulse several times to combine and mix well. Chill the mixture while you prepare the jalapenos.
For the jalapenos, make one cut from the stem all the way down to the tip with a sharp paring knife. Repeat with the remaining jalapenos. Over the kitchen sink, use a small spoon with a sharp edge to scrape the seeds and ribs from the pepper. Repeat with the remaining jalapenos and then wash your hands well.
Fill every jalapeno with the filling, nearly to overflowing. Prepare all the items you will need to wrap with bacon-- a cutting board and sharp knife, toothpicks, filled peppers, and bacon slices already opened and laid out for easy access.
Wrap the bacon around the stuffed jalapenos starting at the stem and traveling around the pepper. Most peppers need 2 pieces of bacon depending on the size of your jalapenos. Secure with toothpicks and reserve. Repeat with the remaining peppers.
Preheat the smoker to 190°C. Lay the peppers on the smoker. Smoke for 35 minutes.
Turn the grill of the oven on HIGH. Place the Texas Twinkies on a baking tray lined with foil and coat with SIDS SMOKEY GARLIC SAUCE. Coat well and grill just for a minute until the sauce thickens and becomes sticky. Repeat if desired. Serve hot with additional barbecue sauce or a drizzle of homemade ranch dressing.