Veal Stock
Veal Stock
The trick to good stock is low slow. A good stock requires time and attention to reduce, develop and gradually increase in flavour. I reduce the stock overnight for a more intense flavour.
Ready in: 6 hours 30 minutes
Serves: 12
Complexity: very-easy
kcal: 511

100 ml rice bran oil
100 g tomato paste
2 carrots, halved lengthwise
1 onion, quartered
1 garlic bulb, cut in half
4 celery sticks, quartered
1 leek, halved lengthwise
6 kg veal neck bones
1 split calf or pig's foot
150 ml red wine
6 white peppercorns
6 sprigs thyme
1 bay leaf
50 g fresh parsley
Preheat oven to 225°C. Toss veal bones with oil. Roast on a roasting tray for 45-60 minutes until the bones turn brown on all sides.
Add the tomato paste, carrots, onions, garlic, celery, leek and turn the bones half way through. Roast for another 15 minutes. Discard the excess oil from the roasting tray.
Remove the bones and vegetables from the roasting tray and place them in a stock pot.
Place the tray over medium-high heat and deglaze the roasting tray with red wine. Scrape off the bits from the bottom of the tray and move it around to help the wine reduce.(do not use burnt bits)
Once the wine has reduced to a syrup consistency, pour into the stock pot.
Add cold water to cover the bones and vegetables by at least 5 cm. Simmer for approximately 8-10 hours in a slow cooker, skimming and adding more cold water to ensure the bones remain submerged in water.
30 minutes before the stock is finished, add black peppercorn, thyme, bay leaves, parsley and SIDS CRAZY SALT.
Strain and use, or store in smaller batches in the freezer.